Hello everybody,
I have moved.
I don't have internet at our new place and we can't crack into someone elses. Paul tells me that's illegal anyway. So that's pretty much out.
But after two days I plugged my cable in to see if we could at least get the local channels with better reception and we did! I was so relieved to have a clear local station and proceeded to watch the Today show in the morning! Then, I got adventerous and changed the channel! And for the next 20 minutes I found myself watching ESPN. So...we're not paying for it so we'll see how soon it gets cut out. But we can't sign up for internet until we lose it-or just signing up for internet will take it away-in order to get the deal Paul has specifically designed for us.
I feel like that's going to cause a controversy with Em. Is it right to do that or should I tell comcast that they need to turn the service off? I say keep it until they notice. I've been paying one third of 110 dollars a month for internet and cable and have seen it rise about 10 bucks in a year which is not necessary.
Adam and Alana's wedding is this Sunday just a little bit before ours.
Oh, so we walk to the library to get internet. It's only a 5 minute walk. But it sucks not having internet on your own computer which is why I haven't posted anything. I can drive to the mall or home in less than 5 minutes. I did it yesterday in 4:54. what a nice commute.
I didn't get the Target job. That sucks even more. Job searching without your own time and computer really bites.
That's all I've got.
See you soon hopefully!