This time it was different.
This time Katie called with responsibility news. I'll be heading to California for three days at the end of February for some Leathergoods business meetings! That was a fun thing to hear; I'll be able to meet more LV employees and see how well I can relay information, tasks, business and more to Katie! I'm looking forward to it but am nervous for it too. It's a good amount though. When I was in college we used to say if you weren't nervous before a race, no matter big or small, you didn't care enough about it. I think the same applies here.
2012 Review
How cool is it that Katy and I both got new jobs this year within the span of a month.
Now if the next step happens in the next couple of years for each of us maybe we won't have to retire at age 78.
I don't think about retiring much but at some point we might want to have some money put away for it. I'm not saying we don't. I'm just saying ensuring we're okay is important.
I didn't run any road races. Lame. Loserish. But I got a new Garmin watch in 2013! Because the last one I had just died. Thanks to REI for taking care of that.
I didn't have many written goals. This year I might have more. I'll just need to put them where I see them.
I must read more. I must write more. Wait is this becoming my goal list?
Randomness over. This was a short year in review. Really I'm just sitting at Dunn Bros.