Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


Well, I think it's safe to say that yesterday's interview was a bomb.

I interviewed poorly.

I learned a few things as the hour and fifteen minutes passed by.

The job description seemed a bit misleading.

So, the hunt for another interview continues.


Today's weather was finally a warmer day but it was windy.

I worked 8:30-5:30.

Romaine lettuce with tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper and chicken from a box with carrots on the side topped off with honey mustard dressing made up dinner. I didn't feel like eating. I washed it down with a high caloric liquid. Water. I think I just wanted to use the phrase "high-caloric."

Scott Baker is pitching well tonight for the Twins.


Tomorrow will mark 100 days until I get married! I can not wait!

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